Migraine headaches symptoms and treatment

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Migraine and vision

A plenty of researches of the visual analyzer have shown presence of its features at patients with a migraine, distinct from healthy. Into structure of the visual analyzer enters not only an eye with its muscular apparatus, but also spending ways of an optic nerve, and also a site of a cortex of a brain to occipital area. At patients with a migraine the level of excitability of a brain is raised, it leads to hypererethism and a susceptibility of the visual analyzer. The additional load on it leads to rising of instability of system, rising of risk of occurrence of an attack.

One of the most widespread reasons of rising of a strain of the visual analyzer is absence of correction of vision or wrong correction. At a myopia or a hyperopia the constant control over change of vision is insufficient. The complex of the special gymnastics, allowing to suspend the further advance of disturbance of vision is necessary. Any good oculist or the ophthalmologist a sign with these exercises also applies them in the practice.

Very important question is wearing glasses. In no event the patient with a migraine cannot neglect references of the oculist on application of glasses for reading and for a distance. To apply a distance spectacles at work behind a computer or at reading it is not authorized. Except for correctly picked up diopters it is necessary to check up correctness of selection of distances centre to centre an eye.

Some words about application of sunglasses. Their frequent application reduces an additional load on the muscular apparatus of an eye and salutarily acts on current of a migraine, reducing probability of an extraordinary attack.

And here work behind a computer or behind a desktop with incorrectly picked up illumination considerably enlarge this probability. As the image on the screen of a computer represents high-pitched submission of the image it leads to body height of a strain in the visual analyzer. Therefore recommended restrictions for work on a computer the following: five-minute breaks in current of each business hour behind a computer are necessary, and also operation time should not make more than 6 hours per day in view of an one hour's interval in the middle of this working day.

Long tiring driving of the car on greater distances also can lead to occurrence of an attack. It is bound as to the raised load on vision, and the raised intense attention, that in aggregate leads to occurrence of hypererethism of a cortex and at action of such provoking factor as exhaust gases from which it is not possible to be to the full protected neither to the driver, nor the passenger can lead to occurrence of an attack. Presence near at hand Zomig will allow to take out effectively an attack and to prevent occurrence repeated, however keeping of the set forth above rules of the attitude to the vision should obligatory for the patients, suffering a migraine.

Migraine of the chief

The migraine proceeds variously both at people with various temperament, and at the people, engaged various kinds of activity. And it is very important, as approaches to modern treatment not only necessarily consider it, but also have the basic features.

For the beginning we shall try to try on on themselves a life of the principal, with its cares, griefs and pleasures. It is known, that for work on a supervising post it is necessary not only a special warehouse of character, skills and abilities, but also special personal qualities without which to cope with administrative activity difficultly. Even after passage of the numerous trainings training to art of administration and management by people.

All these problems are products of demands of a modern society, for success in which efforts, and at times superefforts are required not simply. If to combine all aforesaid and to add to it the responsibility for result own and results of subordinates and to set up all this on shoulders of the person, suffering a migraine, to become clearly why the migraine of the chief proceeds so hardly, happens frequent and it is persistent in the current.

One more feature of a migraine of the chief is that very often attacks proceed on the days off. It leads to formation of a vicious circle as the attack does not allow the person to receive enough of rest, that aggravates current of a migraine even more and worsens state of health. Quite often similar situation leads to failures therefore the person appears on the sick-list, as has under itself some positive effect - the responsibility from the person who has burned down on work, is taken out.

Naturally the question follows - how to make so that despite of emotional and labour overloads, disturbance of a regimen of work and rest, feature of the person which do not allow to sit on a place and force to strain to be in action, make despite of everything so that the migraine has ceased to disturb the person, not bringing huge physical, power and labour, so also financial, losses?

Certainly, the person borrowed by administrative activity accepts series of the physiotherapeutic procedures leading depression both physical, and a mental strain. But it is exact not a bath with vodka, and not night vigils in entertaining complexes. Show the high efficiency navigation, regular employment in an exercise room, walks on the nature, relaxing massage. The bath and a sauna have no expressed preventive effect and in some cases can provoke an attack owing to oxygen starvation and loss of a plenty of the liquid often occuring owing to a long overheat.

To break off a pathological vicious circle and during the necessary moment to stop an attack, not having given it to be developed, reception of specialized preparations is necessary. One of the best preparations of this group is Zomig, it is fast both reliably preventing development of an attack and warning occurrence of repeated attacks.

You, undoubtedly know, that application of usual analgetics, such as Aspirinum, Analginum and their derivatives, not only is ineffective in case of a migraine, but in due course can become the reason of an exacerbation of a migraine and occurrence of the medicinal dependence putting an irreparable harm.

The combination of correct treatment and keeping of a regimen of work and rest will allow you to facilitate considerably current of a migraine and will save health, time and good mood.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Man and migraine

Current of a migraine at a strong half of mankind has the features. At men physiological cyclicity is expressed much to a lesser degree, than at women. Also hormonal aspects have smaller value. However not a secret, that men are more subject to stresses, overloads and influence of a lot of adverse factors of an environment. Smoking, alcohol concern to them, no fixed a labour load.

Data of some researches speak that the migraine at men meets much less often, than at women. However current of a migraine at men more aggressive. Attacks as a rule happen less often, than at women, but proceed more dramatically and risk of occurrence of complications also a little bit above. The leading factor of presence of a migraine at the man is the heredity. Very much often a migraine both suffer the parent. Current of many diseases in our century of rates differs such feature, that in following generation hereditary disease flows more hardly, than in previous. This rule concerns and to a migraine and has a greater expression at men.

Exact diagnostics of a migraine is very important. Often migrain attack proceeds at men atypically. Quite often usual skewness the painful center отсутсnвует. The pain is localized not on the one hand as in the classical description, and it can be localized in frontal area, occipitoparietal or at once extends on all head. However other obligatory attributes of a migraine are saved constant. To them concern a pulsation hurt, presence of a nausea, greater duration and an inefficiency of reception of usual analgetics.

At men quite often presence of other kind of headaches. These headaches never meet at women, are characterized by attacks intolerable on intensity and proceed basically at night. As the attack arises suddenly, some tens seconds last and then disappear, renewing in some minutes, researchers have described it as a cluster headache. This kind of headaches has a little bit other nature and other preventive treatment. Therefore at such kind of headaches consultation of the skilled expert is necessary.

It is necessary to give special value to complications migrain attack. Quite often because of changes of a cerebral circulation during an attack memory worsens, there is a mental fatigability more quickly, the absent-mindedness of attention is marked. In 5 % of cases of a cerebral insult he was preceded fixing with an attack of a migraine.

All this speaks that the migraine at men requires special attention and obligatory treatment.

Application of usual analgetics quickly enough shows the inefficiency during current of a man's migraine. Therefore, as shows an expert, men often tend to simply to endure a pain as an inevitable harm, overcoming a pain, despite of its intensifying at mental and an exercise stress. It leads to enormous power and metabolic expenses.

Practical job has shown efficiency of some preparations in treatment of a man's migraine. But in one case efficiency and rate of offensive of effect was not so strongly pronounced, as in case of application Zomig, a specialized preparation for treatment of attacks of a migraine. Action of this preparation at men comes a little bit more quickly, than at women.

Specialized treatment of a migraine at men very important as presence of a migraine raises risk of vascular cerebral accidents. Except for application of preparation Zomig for putting off of attacks, application of preventive treatment, carrying out of a psychotherapy, a relaxation, autogenic training is shown.

Migraine, motivation and strategy.Overcomings of stress

By many researches non-uniformity of motivation at patients with a migraine has been shown. Non-uniformity is shown in rising a psychoemotional strain at approach result or at performance of the actions bound to the raised importance. Depression of motivation is shown in performance of the actions bound to the low importance, and also at performance of usual actions of self-maintenance.

Partly the problem lays in expressed autoagressive personal tendencies, and also in the feature of inability got in the childhood to take care of itself. In one of frequent references who is received by patients with a migraine, this quality is reflected. The doctor calls the patient to see to itself: never to be hungry, it is cold or hot dressed, and also angry, offended and malicious.

Among motivational strategy of overcoming of stress modern psychologists use two basic categories: motivation of achievement of success and motivation of an avoidance of failures. To some extent people use all both in the behaviour and planning of actions. A question in the ratio these basic categories.

Being guided by strategy of achievement of success the person plans positive result of the activity, activity turns out emotionally positively painted, the reached result raises mood, forms base for the further development and promotion, has expressed antistress activity, helps to overcome difficulties, raises a threshold of immunity to a pain, reducing thus intensity of current of a migraine.

At primary use of strategy of an avoidance of failures activity is accompanied by pavor, a negative emotional background, achievement of result does not wear antistress and analgetic effect. Resources of nervous system are exhausted.

In our century of superachievements when the person by means of will tries to supervise set of factors, without consideration their interactions, there is a set of the reasons for frustrations. However recently presented results of thirty-year experiment on duration show a high probability of achievement of a positive take at use of strategy of achievement of success. To train thinking to work positively - a uneasy problem, reachable as constant introspection and a self-spirit. A psychotherapy - an excellent method to give training to consciousness in a direction of positive thinking. Use of positive strategy of overcoming of stress considerably reduce an expression of current of a migraine.

Expressed directivity patients with a migraine on achievement of result at any cost bears fruit - sleepless of night, narrowing of perception of a life, disturbance of interaction in family. If to consider, that all these problems are aggravated with the painful sensations considerably reducing social activity the situation reminds the Gordian knot, to untie which it is possible only having split. And a sword for this unit - simple and effective agent Zomig which in a few minutes will return the person in build - in family, to collective, in a society.

Migraine of the business woman

About that the migraine at a fine half of mankind meets more often, you already know from our previous clauses. You know also, that a migraine - a constant the satellite of high motivation, and is frequent at the people having high motivation of achievement, intensively the workers thinking and constantly growing the migraine proceeds more severely, than at others. In this plan it is possible to tell, that the migraine at the business woman is the present headache which is taking away time, bringing cares and the anxiety, breaking plans and bringing chaos in the harmonous schedule of the actions which have been written down in the accurate daily log.

The migraine of the business woman has many features of a man's migraine. It also is dated for acceptance of the important decisions, accompanies with intensity of a mental load, as a rule falling in all power on its peak. However quite often the migraine is dated for critical days, complicating the syndrome of a premenstrual strain expressed to some extent at the majority of women. The usual decision of this problem - reception of several kinds of analgetics together with spasmolytics after of some years of application has no expressed effect. And then on change that method which the migraine so achieved - rest and rest in current of several hours or even days comes. All this leads to unjustified losses of operating time, change of terms in the planned plans, to failure of the important actions.

Often women rely on the endurance, not interrupting labour activity during all attack. The working day passes pending evenings. And nervous system, having spent all resources on resistance hurt, quite often gives the failures shown in the form of conflicts to subordinates and members of household.

Very important for the business woman to not allow a pain to overcome itself. However the strong-willed efforts spent for overcoming hurt, are worthy the best application.

During treatment and observations over several hundreds patients which work is bound to the raised responsibility, speed of reaction, generating of plans and their highly effective realization, were defined priorities of application of medicinal preparations and their schemes for the treatment allowing as much as possible to reduce influence of a migraine on vital activity and professional activity. One of the best variants which have been picked up for treatment of a migraine of business women, preparation Zomig, the highly effective and specialized preparation capable in a few minutes to stop even developed attack of a migraine is. Absence of by-effects on the central nervous system favourably distinguishes it from of some other preparations at which application depression of mental activity is possible. Application Zomig allows to continue highly and difficultly organized activity, not coming off on a migraine.