Migraine headaches symptoms and treatment

Monday, January 15, 2007

Risk factors and when to search for medical advice

It is a lot of people with migraines have family history of a migraine. If both yours the parent have migraines, there is a good chance, you will be also. Even if only one of your parents has migraines, you - still at the enlarged risk of educing migraines.

You also have rather higher risk of migraines if you are young and female. Actually, women, are three times more probable, will have migraines, as men. Headaches tend to damage boys and girls equally during the childhood, but augmentation of girls after sexual maturity.

If you are a woman with migraines, you can find, that your headaches worsen during a menstrual bleeding. They can variate also during pregnancy or a menopause. Many women report convalescence of their migraines later in pregnancy, but others report, that their migraines worsened during the first trimester. If pregnancy or a menstrual bleeding will damage your migraines your headaches, also it is probable, will worsen, if you will take hormonal replaceable therapy or contraceptive pills
Migraines - chronic breaking, but they is frequent undiagnosed and are untreated. If you test attributes and signs of a migraine, trace and do record of your attacks and as you treated them. Then agree about an occurring with your doctor to discuss your migraines and to choose the plan of processing.

If you have no plan of processing when the headache of a migraine strikes, try over-the-counter treatments of phylum of Ibufrofenum, naproxen sodium or Aspirinum, or other measures of a self-care within day or two. If you do not receive the help, see your doctor. Do not give Aspirinum to children up to 16 because of risk of Reye's syndrome, rare, but potentially fatal illness.

Even if you have history of headaches, see your doctor if changes of frame or your headaches subitaneously feel excellent. See your doctor immediately or go to abjointing a urgent surgery if you have any of following attributes and signs who can specify another, more serious medical problem, phylum of concussion:

* the Sharp, serious headache as a peal of a thunder
* the New serious headache, which not only on one side of your head
* the Headache with a fever, a stiff neck, a rash, the mental disorder, attacks, a diplopia, delicacy, a numbness or conversation of nuisance
* the Headache after a recent angina or a respiratory infection
* the Headache after a craniocerebral trauma, especially if the headache worsens
* the Constant headache which is worse after the tussis, the intense effort, straining or subitaneous locomotion
* the New pain of a headache if to you is more senior, than 55

It is probable, that your headaches do not signal a serious medical condition. But in a small amount of events, headaches can be a sign of a bloody clot or a tumour of a brain. They can signal also a temporal arteritis - the rare condition bound to a headache which normally damages people is more senior, than 55 and if not treated, can lead to blindness or impact.